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As an administrator of an agency with limited resources and demanding caseloads, you need to stay on top of things. But doing so can be quite time consuming when the right information is not at your fingertips. How long would it take you to find out the current status of all the children in your programs? Minutes? Hours? Days? How much time do you spend reacting to situations that could have been prevented or lessened if you only had some warning about what was unfolding? Or the effort it takes to assemble the information to help you understand the "story" before you can even begin to address the situation? No wonder you end up asking yourself the same question every day.

Where should I spend my limited time and attention to have the biggest impact?

To answer this question, you need real-time information, at your fingertips. Here's where the FAS system makes it easy and reliable for you to get at this information so you can stay on top of things.

Imagine you want to see how your new cases stack up when it comes to the number of kids with risk behaviors or serious mental health concerns. Simply by clicking on the Supervisor Dashboard and choosing the group of children and time period, you can get to these answers in a snap. What's more, you can easily select and see who came in yesterday, last week, last month or last quarter and the severity of the cases. You look this list over and a particular child catches your eye…click on the name and now you're at a Client Dashboard that shows this child's assessment history and results. So in just a minute or two, you have plenty of information to help you follow up on this case if necessary. More time following up and less time figuring out. You can ensure that your staff gets timely input, even at the start of a case, so that they are able to provide families with the most appropriate services when they need it!

Or picture this. You ask yourself,

Which children are not progressing and which ones still have serious risk behaviors or mental health concerns?

Once again, the Supervisor's Dashboard is the place to go. Choosing the client population, select the option to view "re-assessments", the time period you're interested in, and click – there's your answers. A few children pop out immediately as you look at this list. Click on those individuals and now you have their assessment information right in front of you. And now you can have a productive, collaborative discussion with the assigned practitioner about possible alternatives. And even better, your practitioners have access to the same information as easily as you do so you can quickly get past the "what" and on to the "how." And when they come to you with an issue, you already have the information to give you a heads-up. Once again, helping you to stay on top of things.

And what can you do so that records compliance isn't a full time job? With the FAS system, each practitioner has his or her own Home Page. Here they can click on "My Client List" to quickly access one's caseload -- from starting an assessment to reassigning cases -- done with just a few clicks. And each time they log in, they get a reminder of overdue assessments. Guess what? You have access to the same information through your Supervisor Dashboard. So you have two ways to ensure records compliance – an automatic reminder for them and an easy access for you.


What if you need to take an aggregate view of the data on the children you serve? The FAS system makes it easy for you to generate reports that show the averages across a group of selected children for a specified time period. You can get the "big picture" with just a few clicks. If you need to conduct special studies, all of this information can be easily exported to other programs, such as Excel or SPSS.

So there you have it…just a few examples of how our FAS system helps you use your time wisely so you can have the impact you want to have.


In order to get the most out of the results that are available at your “finger tips” in the FAS system, you may want to refer to these additional support materials for administrators


  • Resource on Evidence-Based Treatments

Evidence-Based Treatments for Children and Adolescents: A Compilation of Resources and Guide to Matching CAFAS® Profiles to Evidence-Based Treatments describes how to match CAFAS profiles to evidence-based treatments. The FAS system automatically generates the indicator used for matching the CAFAS profile to treatments. This resource provides information on the empirical support and manuals available for evidence-based treatments for the following diagnoses: depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, delinquency, oppositional defiant disorder and behavioral noncompliance, and behavioral problems in preschoolers and young children. Order this Support Material.


  • Manual for Managers

            The CAFAS® Manual for Training Coordinators, Clinical Administrators, and Data Managers provides guidelines for reliability training, clinical interpretation, and outcome indicators for aggregated data. The FAS system automatically generates the clinical markers and outcome indicators explained in this manual. Order this Support Material.


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