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JIFF® Interviewer

Overview | CAFAS®PECFAS® | JIFF® | CWL® 

What is the JIFF Interviewer?
The JIFF is derived from the CAFAS and is an interactive computerized assessment that interviews youth or parents for you.

  • Questions are read aloud -- Reading level is 2nd to 3rd grade for youth
  • Provides both objective questions and opportunity for youth to respond in their “own words”
  • Asks questions about 10 life domains (subscales) important to the youth’s functioning
  • Alerts you if youth has mental health or substance use needs
  • Both youth and caregiver versions
  • Uses interview responses to generate individualized, practical goals to address needs
  • Family-driven and youth-guided!
  • Scores generated are used to track outcome over time


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JIFF Areas of Functioning


See the JIFF in Action
Why use the JIFF?
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What the JIFF does for you

The computer reads the questions aloud (in English or Spanish) and the interviewee selects the appropriate answer on the computer screen (and at times responds to open-ended questions). Two versions (youth and caregiver) ask questions across 10 areas of life functioning and about interests and strengths-based coping skills. Usually completed by the youth, caregiver or both in only 15 to 30 minutes.

After the interview, staff immediately view the findings and print the JIFF Summary Report. The youth’s Client Dashboard instantaneously displays key results (e.g., risk behaviors, mental health concerns) and a chart showing extent of youth’s needs across the 10 domains. Youth’s progress is tracked over time when the JIFF is re-administered.

A Service Plan is automatically started by the software, and is quickly completed by staff, with input from the family. Based on the respondent’s answers, the application automatically generates a list of potential goals for the youth. Staff then select the goals to be included in the Service Plan and assign services/interventions and a priority level to each goal. Services, priority level, and additional goals are customized to the local community.

The JIFF Service Plan is a powerful tool that translates the youth or caregiver’s responses into an action-plan based on practical, achievable goals. Additionally, if both the youth and caregiver take the JIFF Interview, their results can be integrated into one Service Plan.

See the JIFF in action
This is a brief introduction to the JIFF (DSL or Cable Internet Connection Recommended). See the Software Overview for additional features.

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JIFF at Work: JIFF helps states meet new mental health mandates | JIFF helps schools achieve key objectives | JIFF helps juvenile justice meet its toughest challenges | JIFF helps child welfare meet performance standards

Why use the JIFF?
  • The JIFF's rapid assessment process can be used within Juvenile Justice to help reduce adjudication rates and improve outcomes for those who enter the system

  • Judges, prosecutors, case workers, parents report that the JIFF reports are quick and easy to use

  • Youth report liking the JIFF Interview (96%)– they have a feeling of comfort and competency while doing the interview

  • Minimizes time burdens on your staff 

    • No training needed

    • No professional time needed for administration

  • Increases staff productivity and efficiency 

    • Easy-to-read graphs show areas of concern 

    • Automated Report 

    • Starts a Service Plan that takes only minutes to complete 

    • Staff can easily add or modify goals and make comments 

    • Dashboards keep staff informed about youth’s status and progress 

    • Graphs compare initial and post recent JIFFs, highlighting change 

    • Graphs compare youth and parent JIFFs when both do the interview

    • Puts actionable tools in your hands to figure out “what’s going on right now”…not “what went on last year”

  • Values the youth’s and parent’s direct input 

    • Their ideas are solicited throughout the interview

    • Promotes youth and parent engagement

  • Empirically-based and derived from the CAFAS, with research supporting the JIFF’s validity and sensitivity to assessing change over time

  • Integrated export tool makes it easy to send data to funding sources

  • Webservice interface eliminates duplicate entry

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