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Mental Health

Child Welfare | Juvenile Justice | Mental Health | Primary CareSchool | System of Care

The PECFAS® and CAFAS® are used throughout the United States and Canada to help guide choices about treatment type and intensity. It is backed by over two decades of research. The current environment puts many pressures on mental health professionals - to efficiently assess youth and generate documentation, track each youth’s progress and respond to set-backs, ensure that parents and youth guide treatment planning, and manage high case loads. This is all within the context of fewer resources and an eventual expectation that children who could benefit from evidence-based practices (EBP) be identified and offered these treatments.

The new software helps practitioners and administrators with each of these demands by automating functions!

  • Instantaneously keeping you up-to-date about each child's current status and progress – drawing attention to the most important issues to address to achieve improvement. 
  • Automating reports which provide more interpretation of the CAFAS results - The program generates results for clinical markers that have been developed through years of research 
  • Starting a treatment plan for you and the family to complete – Keeping focused on strengths, goals, and a plan to accomplish each goal 
  • Sharing results with the family, using the strengths-based “take home” Family Report 
  • Helping you quickly interpret change in scores over time - Outcome indicators, in addition to CAFAS scores, clearly convey the extent and type of change that has been achieved 
  • Generating indicators that help you identify whether a child might benefit from an EBP, and if so, which ones. 
  • Tracking a youth’s enrollment in specific EBPs 
  • Helping you stay up to-date on your records by posting reminders for you 
  • Eliminating redundant entry of information by providing integration with your agency’s EMR

Mental Health and the CAFAS®
• Professionals and family members like the CAFAS:  
   • Assess behaviors with real meaning
   • Drives focus on objectives 
   • Easily document assessment results
   • Unstandable results - no jargon 
   • Outcomes-driven
   • Alerts you if there are set-backs
   • Helps celebrate improvements
   • Addresses accountability demands
   • Assists with integrating EBPs

Learn more about the CAFAS
Order the CAFAS today!

If your agency offers parent management training (PMT) as a treatment option:

You may be want to consider using the Caregiver Wish List® (CWL®). The CWL is a self-report measure of parenting behaviors that enables the parent to self-discover skills that will help them better manage their child. It engages the parents and has been used successfully in evaluating PMT.

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